Fall has finally arrived, bringing a break in the relentless summer heat, and the release of issue #62. We tromp through the fallen leaves bearing three stories, two poems, art and audio! Get a fire lit to ward off the growing long...
**9/14/24 update– We’ve uploaded page 12 of Gary McClusky’s comic “Spear and Fang” based on the Robert E. Howard story of the same name. Check it out here!** Summer is in full swing in our neck of the...
A remarkable milestone—issue #60! For this special occasion we bring you works by the S&S scions James Enge, Howard Andrew Jones, and up-and-comer Gregory Mele. We bring you poetry from award winners Jennifer Crow and Ann...
The long gloomy days of winter getting you down? Eager to get out and back to adventure? Our offerings will lift your spirits and enflame your blood! We’ve got three original stories and a fantastic poem. Drag your chair to the fire...
HFQ senior editor Adrian Simmons has been filling in the edge of the wilderness hexmap and the encounter locations in the urban settings. From such dangerous locales we have brough you the best S&S fiction and poetry—well worth the...
NIGHTMARE VOYAGES, by Jennifer Crow, Art by Gary McClusky On the storm’s third night, winds howling through torn sails and waves washing across the tilted deck, the sleepless crew stumbles...
After the alarmingly warm week of Christmas, winter has now descended upon us! Trapped indoors we’ve dug deep into the creative minds of the world to produce issue #51—we bring three stories and three poems,...
THE GREAT HUNT, by Francesco Meriano, art by Miguel Santos 1. A Field in England We were traveling across Yorkshire, on a Midsummer’s Eve like many that had graced the thirteen centuries since the...
RAKSHASA IN A POT, by Prashanth Srivatsa, artwork by Miguel Santos Blademaster Savithri was nine months pregnant when she arrived in the agraharam, under strict orders to deal with the rakshasa hiding in the...
THE LINTON BANSHEE, by Rev. Joe Kelly, artwork by Karolína Wellartová The sound started, quite suddenly, some ways off past the fields outside town, in the direction of Linton Hill: a wailing,...
FEAST OF THE CARRION EATERS, by Aidan Redwing Upon the field men set a feast for crows. Choice cuts of meat, are freshly slaughtered, butchered, then abandoned, to the care of the carrion eaters....
DYNASTY, by Gary Every, art by Simon Walpole The queen was pregnant with the king’s heir. She wished to set a good example for the pious peasants and always attended Sunday services at the...
GERTRA OF THE GRINDSTONE, by Scott T. Hutchison, art by Gary McClusky Everyone in Rayjbaer delivers their blades to Gertra. No one hones with a finer edge. She has all day to achieve cutting...
Welcome to ISSUE #50! To make this special deluxe issue happen we adventured across the world, from dusty tombs to steamy jungles, from remote wilderness to crowded urban settings, we’ve spun up S&S gold...