Winter is in full swing here at our rocky stronghold, and we’ve gathered tales and poems to get through the remaining long months until spring. We bring you two magnificent tales and three outstanding poems, plus artwork and maps!...
Fall has finally arrived, bringing a break in the relentless summer heat, and the release of issue #62. We tromp through the fallen leaves bearing three stories, two poems, art and audio! Get a fire lit to ward off the growing long...
**9/14/24 update– We’ve uploaded page 12 of Gary McClusky’s comic “Spear and Fang” based on the Robert E. Howard story of the same name. Check it out here!** Summer is in full swing in our neck of the...
A remarkable milestone—issue #60! For this special occasion we bring you works by the S&S scions James Enge, Howard Andrew Jones, and up-and-comer Gregory Mele. We bring you poetry from award winners Jennifer Crow and Ann...
The long gloomy days of winter getting you down? Eager to get out and back to adventure? Our offerings will lift your spirits and enflame your blood! We’ve got three original stories and a fantastic poem. Drag your chair to the fire...
DRAGON IN AMBER, by Patrice Sarath I raised my head and looked at the man who entered my iron prison. My captors had put rings through the once-supple leathery skin of my wings and at the base of my...
THE BARGHEST REVENGE, by Adam Vine I. The Barghest rose from stirring gloom Through creeping shadows of my room The dangling keys about his wrists Like tiny bells foretelling doom. O’er to my bed...
GREAT POET EMPEROR, by Meg Moseman The Great Poet Emperor sways on his throne, borne on filigreed pillars by twenty-foot djinn across the wide ocean the octopus roams– across the wild blue sea!...
Gæscligcrymblingas, by Ariel Bolton Hwæt! A is for Alhwin, whom nematodes ate That’s not an untypical Old English fate And Æ is young Ælfred, attacked by his thanes B is for Byrhtnoth, beheaded...
Hello and welcome to Heroic Fantasy Quarterly’s 33rd issue! We have scoured the world–again!– from the high shining cities, to the outlying hamlets, to the dark corners of wastes and procured for...
BETWEEN SEA AND FLAME, by Evan Dicken Hummingbird ran. Branches whipped across her arms, the shouts of her pursuers eclipsed by the huffing gurgle of the thing tearing through the forest behind her. There was...
I AM BECOME DEATH, DESTROYER OF WORLDS, by Raphael Ordonez Upheld by glee over an abyss of dread, the audacious, black-and-white-painted sacred clown raced up the big slope where blue grama and...
RAKEFIRE, by Jason Carney This was after several secret meetings in smoky roothouses, where whispered secrets were swapped for more secrets couched in cryptolects and allegories. With them I had been...
COLDER THAN MARS, by Andrew Crabtree Mars is a god who loves the taste of it The bright red racing mortal taste of it So in his ring of iron he makes a war. In fields beyond the seven marble hills His...