Winter is in full swing here at our rocky stronghold, and we’ve gathered tales and poems to get through the remaining long months until spring. We bring you two magnificent tales and three outstanding poems, plus artwork and maps!...
Fall has finally arrived, bringing a break in the relentless summer heat, and the release of issue #62. We tromp through the fallen leaves bearing three stories, two poems, art and audio! Get a fire lit to ward off the growing long...
**9/14/24 update– We’ve uploaded page 12 of Gary McClusky’s comic “Spear and Fang” based on the Robert E. Howard story of the same name. Check it out here!** Summer is in full swing in our neck of the...
A remarkable milestone—issue #60! For this special occasion we bring you works by the S&S scions James Enge, Howard Andrew Jones, and up-and-comer Gregory Mele. We bring you poetry from award winners Jennifer Crow and Ann...
The long gloomy days of winter getting you down? Eager to get out and back to adventure? Our offerings will lift your spirits and enflame your blood! We’ve got three original stories and a fantastic poem. Drag your chair to the fire...
2021. Finally. Oh, do not rest easy my friends; we may have gotten out of 2020, but like the Battle of Pelanor Fields, it is just a prelude for marching upon Mordor, such is the situation we find ourselves in...
THE MEDALLION’S SONG, by Ginny Patrick, artwork by Karolína Wellartová Twilight darkened the narrow alley in the marketplace. Serena hurried down an unfamiliar path, pulling her hood close...
THE SILVER LIGHT OF FOREVER, by Mike Adamson Gareth waited with the same nervous impatience he had experienced before the Harvest every year. The green vestments of the duke fluttered softly about his...
WINTER LUCK, by Evan Dicken, with audio by Karen Bovenmyer, music by Kevin MacLeod, and art by Miguel Santos “Fall back!” Icy wind snatched the words from Ochiai Haruyoshi’s lips, the...
DRAGON’S HOARD, by Dawn Vogel I come from a lineage of hoarders, hoarders of things both immense and dainty, gold, gems, other riches, treasures, and more, heaped into piles upon which they...
RABBIT FOOT, by Colleen Anderson, read by the author the clumsy man a stumbling woman saw the fleetfooted hare thought to harness the zephyrs of air the breath of change the lagomorph run to...
THE WIND THROUGH THE FIELDS, by Aidan Redwing, audio by Leeman Kessler THE FIELD Cold snow, like arrows, falls softly. Carried on Winter’s wind it buries the warm bleeding bodies. Pale skinned and...
Happy November! With the cruel summer behind us, and the welcoming cool of the fall and the cold of winter on the way, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly is here to help you thread the transitions. We bring you...
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES by Benjamin C. Kinney The East Wind blew in across the harbor and cut through Agnella’s fur-trimmed cloak. She faced the squall and loosened her cloak. This was no...