Heroic Fantasy Quarterly Advertising Policies
There are two sizes of ads at HFQ: two 125 x 125 sidebar ads and a 468 x 60 lower ad.
The two 125 x 125 ads show up on the top right of every page on the site.
The one 468 X 60 ad shows up at the end of stories, poems, and editorials.
Ads are sold on a quarterly basis:
125 X 125 ad for 1 quarter: $75
125 x 125 ad for 2 quarters: $140
468 x 60 ad for 1 quarter: $50
468 x 60 ad for 2 quarters: $90
Both a 125 x 125 and the 468 x 60 ad:
for 1 quarter: $120
for 2 quarters: $220
Contact editors(at)heroicfantasyquarterly.com with the title “Advertising Query” for more information or to set up your ad. All ads are subject to approval by the editors of HeroicFantasyQuarterly.com.