Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q63

Winter is in full swing here at our rocky stronghold, and we’ve gathered tales and poems to get through the remaining long months until spring.  We bring you two magnificent tales and three outstanding poems, plus artwork and maps!

Fiction Contents

The Fountain of Hatteos, by Gregory Mele.  The vagabond noble Sarrumos finds employment in the ancient city of Tlawalko and becomes enmeshed in clashes of kings and princes, and adventures across plains and sea and jungle.  A double-sized and outstanding tale, continuing the saga of Sarrumos.

The Deliverance of Benrimmon, by Stephen Coney.  Threatening omens loom over the kingdom of the Well-Watered-Land, and the warrior Benrimmon, eager for fame, sees an opportunity.  A dangerous journey to confer with Magi and an insight into the fickle gods are all part of his journey.  Delve into this fantastic middle-eastern world!


Poetry Contents

Fortune, by Scott T. Hutchison, art by Miguel Santos.   We never wish that it happen in our time, and especially in the sunset of our time, but when it does we have to make a choice.

Scapegoat, by Bryn Hammond.  Monsters have their heroes, too.

Under the Icicles, by Devan Barlow, art by Simon Walpole.  Winter doesn’t just turn into spring, it has to be brought forth one drop at a time.


Ongoing Graphic Adventure Spear and Fang!

We’ve uploaded page 13 of Gary McClusky’s interpretation of Robert E. Howard’s first published story “Spear and Fang”.  We’ll be updating it until the full tale is told!  Want early access?  Support us on Patreon and you’ll get it!



Jereme Peabody continues his ‘Against the Giants’ series with our adventurers taking the fight to the Ice Giants.

Jereme is a software engineer in the DC area and is also a freelance concept artist working mostly on video games and books.  He started his artistic career dabbling with sculpting, pencils, and even still-life oil painting.  As tablets became available, he crossed over from traditional art to digital by first digitally painting still-lives, then through experimentation and practice, transitioned to landscapes and fantasy.


Goings On

We doubt that any readers of S&S haven’t heard the sad news of the passing of Howard Andrew Jones from this world.  While we all expected this blow to land, it has been harder to soak than any of us thought.  He was always eager to share his time and expertise with writers and editors no matter what level their expertise.  He had several stories in HFQ (Discordant Factions (#60), The Flame and Bottle (#54), Instrument of Vengeance (#45), A Stone’s Throw (#40)), and wrote an amazing essay for our Best-of Volume 4.  His death happened just as the third book of his Chronicles of Hanuvar Trilogy, Shadow of the Smoking Mountain came out—if you haven’t picked it up yet, consider doing so.


Mary Soon Lee, whose poems about Prince Xau have appeared in HFQ (Thirty-Ninth War, Ford, and Jumble, among others) has collected the full tale of Prince Xau into a book “The Sign of the Dragon”, lavishaly illustrated by frequent HFQ artist Gary McClusky.

Brother of the blade, Crimson Quill Quarterly Volume 5 is out, and it includes HFQ alums James T. Glenn, and Dariel Quiogue.

Adrian Cole’s three-book series, Elak of Atlantis is complete with Sea Hawks of Atlantis!

Oh, and Heroic Fantasy Quarterly itself is open for submissions in February!


Tales from Around the Fire

Adrian Simmons:  A lot of work has been happening on Adrian’s end, but hardly anything has gotten through to completion (or, as they are mostly writing projects, ‘abandonment’).

Niel Baker:  Neil has been watching and reviewing monster and alien movies at Black Gate.  You want aliens? Neil’s got ‘em.  Sharks?  Surely!  Dinosaurs?  Ditto!  Crocodiles?  Covered!

Our best-of volume 4 anthology is selling briskly, and we got a totally boss review of it on Youtube!


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