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Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q54

Yes, yes, the issue is late.  In our defense, there was outdoor adventuring, and the World Fantasy Convention, and a case of Covid-19, and a case of food poisoning.  Plus, our wizard was pulled into a chasm by a demon of the first age, and our pony abandoned us and we’ve had to carry all […]

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q53

Life has intruded on the schedules of the HFQ editorial staff and we’ve struggled, burning the midnight illuminated candles, threading the catacombs for the proper funerary cerements to grind into the finest inks to transcribe tales and poems of a singular vintage.  We emerge from the depths and into the blinding light of August with […]

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q52

As we stand on the edge of summer, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly brings you a full issue of adventure and action, with four stories, three poems, art and audio (with more on the way)! Fiction Contents Carpe Caput, by Evan Dicken with artwork by Pen Anders, and audio by Karen Menzel.  Nastazo Balicosta, warrior/wlwyer  of the […]

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q51

After the alarmingly warm week of Christmas, winter has now descended upon us!  Trapped indoors we’ve dug deep into the creative minds of the world to produce issue #51—we bring three stories and three poems, with artwork aplenty.   Fiction Contents The Great Hunt, by : Francesco Meriano, with artwork by Miguel Santos.  Brother Daervel […]

Heroic Fantasy Quarterly–Q50

Welcome to ISSUE #50!  To make this special deluxe issue happen we adventured across the world, from dusty tombs to steamy jungles, from remote wilderness to crowded urban settings, we’ve spun up S&S gold and pillaged the coffers of Weird Tales, all for you!  We get you through the final push of 2021 with five […]

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